Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission
The journal publishes original research papers based on experiments, field research and new scientific findings. The Length of the papers should not exceed 10 printed pages.Clearness, Brevity and conciseness are essential in form, style, punctuation, spelling and use of italics manuscripts should conform to the best usage in the leading journals. Numerical data and calculations should be carefully checked.It is STRICTLY preferred to submit papers through online services.This electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing time and shortens overall publication time.  

General Instruction
All manuscripts should include Title, authors/ authors’ name (unaccompanied by degree/ degrees) and present address (marking corresponding author with * and email address), Abstract (concisely stating the scope of the work and give the principal findings in single spaced preferably with 200 words), keywords (maximum 6 words), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion and references.

Authors should follow standard formatting like

  1. Maiti et al, 2008 must be Maiti et al., 2008 or Maiti et al. (2008)
  2. Table or figure numbers must be Table 1: Effect of neem formulation on rice yield OR Fig. 1: Effect of FYM on rice yield
  3. Corresponding author must be indicated with superscript on author’s name. e.g. M. S. Islam1, M. A. Karim2, A. Hamid3, M. M. Haque4 and A. R. M. Solaiman5 Department of Agronomy, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected]1
  4. i.e. must be i.e.
  5. Result and discussion should be present simultaneously NOT separately. It means, result should be supported with discussion.
  6. NO bibliography to be used. ONLY reference is considered.
  7. “Per” or “/” in text or table to be used as superscript e.g. yield/ plant must be as yield plant−1
  8. “Per cent” in the text to be corrected as “percentage”
  9. Picture or photographs must be in JPEG or JPG format, preferably in Black & white. However, color photograph may be accepted if it is accepted by Editorial board members as valuable or important.
  10. As research paper published in Journal represents in two column, it is always advisable to Edit the Fig. or Table or Photograph as little less than half of the width of written text (A4 size i.e. 8.27”×11.69”). Also to maintain Calibri font with 9 size
  11. Preferably Insert or adjust table or Fig. or Photograph in the continuous text by using Text Wrapping (Select Fig. or Photograph> Go to Format> Text Wrapping>Square).

Reference should follow the pattern below –

* Journal

Sarkar, N.C. and Mishra, O.P. 2004. Influence of some herbicides on weed flora, productivity in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Weed Science 36(1&2): 117-118.

* Book

Maiti, R.K., Sarkar, N.C. and Singh, V. P. 2006. Principles of post harvest seed physiology and technology. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur, India. Pp 640.

* Book chapter

Mishra, M.M. 1992. Environment of organic manures with fertilizers. In: Non-traditional sectors for fertilizer use. Pp. 48-60. Tandon, H.L.S. (Ed). Fertilizer development and consultant Organization, New Delhi.

* Conference

Baker, A.J.M., Ewart, K., Hendry, G.A.F., Thorpe, P.C., and Walker, P.L. 1999. The evolutionary basis of cadmium tolerance in higher plants. In: 4th International Conference on Environmental Contamination, Barcelona. Pp. 23-29.

* Proceeding

Parker, C., Hitchcock, A.M. and Ramaiah, K.V. 1977. The germination of Striga species by crop root exudates: techniques for selecting resistantcultivars. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference. 11–17 July, Jakarta, Indonesia, Pp 67.

* Electronic source

Jennifer, N. J., Glogoza, P., MacRae, I., Oelke, E., and Meronuck, R. 2000. Crop profile for canola in Minnesota.

Papers should be submitted to the editor typed in double spaced on one side of the page only and should not exceed 10 typed pages. Numerical data and calculations should be carefully checked.

Each table should have a heading stating its content clearly and concisely. Places at which the table is inserted should be indicated in the text. Research article must conclude with a summary drawing attention to the main facts and conclusions.

Each illustration must be specifically referred to in the text and roman numerals should be used in numbering the plate and also in the text. Individual illustrations within a plate should be designated by Arabic numerals. Line drawing will be preferred both because of the lower cost production.

Ethical Policy

Authors need to maintain high standards of integrity and ethics while submitting their articles/research papers. We discourage hiding of any information or providing wrong information, and must not duplicate the information already published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Please avoid giving undue credit to anyone who has not made a notable contribution or excluding the name of any author who has made significant contributions.