Getting started with SPSS – Tour of SPSS windows, menus, and dialogue boxes – Open, save, and close SPSS data and output files, Prepare a data entry codebook – Create a SPSS data file – Enter data into an SPSS data file – Check a data file for errors – Correct errors in the data file – Obtain descriptive statistics – Create a variety of graphs (histograms, bar graphs) – Manipulating the data to form new variables (computing totals, collapsing categories) – Sorting the data file, Choose appropriate statistical techniques to address specific research questions – Perform a variety of statistical procedures and interpret the output
Evaluation Pattern
- Assignment score = 20%
- Exam Score = 40%
- Project Score = 40%
Teaching Pedagogy
7 Hours per week (2 Theory sessions, 3 Practical Sessions, 2 Assignment/Project Sessions)