Urban Planning and Development
Unit I
Introduction to Urban Development (Urbanization; Urban Theory; Urban Planning; Urban Governance; Urban Management; Participatory Urban Development, etc.) issues and Challenges in Urban Planning and Development (Urban Challenges; Urban Infrastructure; Urban Poverty and Inequality; Sustainable Urban Ecology and Environment, etc.)
Unit II
Dynamics of Urban Planning and Development (Sustainable Development; Urban Development Plans, Policies and Programmes; Urban Reforms; Municipal Finance; Disaster Management, etc.)Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects and Programmes (Project Formulation and Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Measurement and Sampling; Data Collection and Analysis, etc.)
Unit III
Development: Issues and Perspectives (Basic Issues in Development: Population, Poverty, Inequality,Unemployment; Marginalization, Disparities, Inclusive Development; Sectoral Issues in Development; Core Issues in Development, etc.), Urban and GIS Mapping.
Evaluation Pattern
- Assignment score = 20%
- Exam Score = 40%
- Project Score = 40%
Teaching Pedagogy
14 Hours per week (6 Theory sessions, 5 Practical Sessions, 3 Assignment/Project Sessions)