Introduction of Remote Sensing – Geographical Information System


Basic of Remote Sensing and its stages, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Platforms, Sensors, Resolutions, Launch Vehicle, Indian Space Program (ISP), Types of Remote Sensing, Geo-referencing, Scales, Conventional Symbols, Interpretation of Toposheet, Visual interpretation Elements; Introduction to GIS Basic Concepts: Definition and Components of GIS, Spatial Data Models – Raster and Vector, Generating Thematic Map from the Toposheet. Digital Image Processing; Digital Image, Data Formats, Pre-Classification Techniques: Geo-Referencing, Radiometric Corrections, Atmospheric Correction, Subset Image. Image Enhancement Techniques: Mosaic, Filtering, Resolution Merge, NDVI. Post Classification: Supervised & Unsupervised Classification, Accuracy Assessment. Advanced GIS: Clip, Buffer, Overlay Analysis, DEM, TIN, Map Making.

Evaluation Pattern

  • Assignment score = 20%
  • Exam Score = 40%
  • Project Score = 40%

Teaching Pedagogy

10 Hours per week (4 Theory sessions, 4 Practical Sessions, 2 Assignment/Project Sessions)